She Is the Night

She is my love
I love her and I fear her
Lifeless but immortal
She never obeys a man
She never worked
No one ever gave her orders
She’s only known freedom
She has pale skin
Her smile is animal

She is three hundred years old
She dies and is reborn every night
Her life is a permanent beatitude
She was always free

Her figure is androgynous
She doesn’t feel hot or cold
Her senses are supernaturel
She dies every dawn
She is born every twilight
She was born three hundred years ago
From an incestuous union
As a child she only ate bloody meat
Already she was lonely and pale

She is three hundred years old
She dies and is reborn every night
Her life is a permanent ecstasy
She was always free

As a teenager
She drank the magic blood
She died and was reborn
She lives in a castle
And drives fancy cars
She dresses luxuriously
Every night she has fun
Every night she hunts
And feeds on human blood
She is a predator